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24hr Emergency & cooling service No callout charges
01872 553898
Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning was established in 1992 and now has over 180 franchisees worldwide.
Aire Serv is a subsidiary of a worldwide franchise holding corporation currently trading in twenty-four countries worldwide. The businesses are diverse, but all are built upon the same philosophy of success - exceed the customer's expectations.
So if you need these services, then there is a subsidiary ready to help you.
Aire Serv has offices located throughout the UK and services a wide range of clients across an array of industries. As a quality franchise organisation, excellent customer service is key to the success of the Aire Serv brand and as such the Company continues to grow in size and stature year on year.
The success of Aire Serv in the UK is not hard to understand when you look at the achievements accomplished by its parent company worldwide.
The Aire Serv Mission... provide you, our customer, with quality service first time and every time
We believe.........
- In superior service to all our customers, stakeholders and staff
- Success is the result of clear, cooperative, positive thinking
- That management is about recognising what people are doing right and treating all with equal respect
- Challenges should be used as learning experiences
- In operating above the line
- We should strive to release the potential in every person in the Aire Serv family
- We must re-earn our position each and every day
- That loyalty is an essential part of our moral code
- In the business mission and building Aire Serv by continually attracting strong people to join our team
- We should have fun in the process